Low Cal Options

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I started the fasting diet I posted about a few days ago.


Since them on my two days of the week in which I can only have 500 calories a day I've been finding it hard to eat only 500 calories and not be completely starving! So I thought I would share the ideas I'm coming up with as they happen.

Spaghetti Squash w/ Sauce (123 Calories)

1 Cup of Spaghetti Squash

1/2 Cup of Huntz Sauce (sauce of your choice)

1 Tlbs Parmesan Cheese

I've found that when your trying to have the same foods you would always eat like bread, pasta, etc you will be starving so I have been looking into low cal veggies and fruits. That might seem a little ridiculous since you assume that all veggies are good for you therefore low cal but not so. The best ones I've found so far are cucumbers, celery, romaine lettuce, sweet peppers, mushrooms, spaghetti squash, and summer squash.  


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